Victory Metals’ Coodardy deposit is located 30 km north-west of Cue and sits on the north-eastern flank of a granite cored anticlinal greenstone sequence. Gold mineralisation is situated within a sericitized and carbonated weathered basic schist between an interlayered basalt, black shale and cherty sediment schist sequence and a dolerite. Historical intersections include 14m @ 4.6 g/t Au and 5m @ 2.4 g/t Au.
A report prepared by SRK in 2020 recommended that Victory commence an orientated diamond drilling program to:

Very shallow historical drilling (max of only 70m) and outstanding potential for mineralisation may exist below these intersections.
A drilling plan and budget has been developed and a programme of work approved by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety The drilling programme consists of 24 diamond drill holes totalling 3,430 m.