Victory Metals’ Mafeking, Monte Carlo and Lady Godiva tenements contain many workings, shallow diggings and shafts. Recent metal detecting scrapes and historic production has been noted at Mafeking. Adjoining the Mafeking workings are the Hard Luck and Monte Carlo group. The Mafeking, Hard Luck and Monte Carlo line cover a strike length of 190 m. About 400 m in a south-easterly direction from Mafeking are the Lady Godiva Group of workings.
The workings at Mafeking, Monte Carlo and Lady Godiva, are spatially related to narrow quartz reefs usually striking north-north-east and south-south-east along structural linears within the Cue tonalite. Old gold workings are dotted along these structures.
Victory has completed regional auger soil sampling and mullock dump sampling programs around Stanmore, Mafeking, Lady Godiva, Retreat and Union Jack. The 20 ppb Au soil contour confirms these structures as geochemically anomalous. All soil anomalies remain to be tested by drilling. Considerable potential exists to define multiple resources within this tenement given the lack of modern systematic exploration conducted.